Thursday, October 26, 2006

What a night...

Okay last night was kinda scary...My baby had bloody stools...I called hubby and he had ran home quick, called the pediatrician and we went to the ER, it did not seem quite a big deal for my little muffin though, he was his normal self giggling, screaming at other kids while we waited at the ER reception. Eww, they poke his bottom too, my poor son was screaming like a girl, wouldn't you??

And so i was bugged thinking, maybe he ate a needle? Perhaps he found one i lost and decided it must be yum yum, lemme taste it, kinda thing... or he has ulcers? or or..worse alien abduction?! You know how they all say they get probed in the behind!!!

So anyways, he's okay, he had a bit of diarrhea from the change of diet, we switch from formula to whole milk...and the doctor said he did have a bit of constipation before the other texture of the entity came out, so it could have just been a fissure in the tissue due to the constipation, as we took his diaper to the ER with us, I warned the doctor, mind you..I said you need to put a mask on or you will faint...He was like "nah, its ok, i got kids at home..." and then a little after he was like " wooo you weren't kidding about the smell"...I warned you...

My baby had gotten a bit tired by the time we got home, so i got to work on my wip longer this time...I finished the whole arch thingy, and working on the flowers surrounding it...Will have to take pics later when i have more to show...hell yeah! peace out \m/

1 comment:

Joysze said...

Awwwwwh, poor baby boy. Glad it was just the change in diet. I've heard stories about that... that the formula is heaty and so the stool becomes tougher and their poor little tushies aren't used to it. LOL! What a topic.